reSources for research on race and aesthetics
Below you can find a briefly annotated bibliography of works at the intersection of race and aesthetics. The works have been very roughly categorized based on their intellectual traditions. This page is, and will continue to be, a work in progress. If you have any suggestion for additions and revisions, please email [email protected].
Philosophical Aesthetics
Critical Race Theory
Works from Other Philosophical Areas
Works from Cognate Fields
Below you can find a briefly annotated bibliography of works at the intersection of race and aesthetics. The works have been very roughly categorized based on their intellectual traditions. This page is, and will continue to be, a work in progress. If you have any suggestion for additions and revisions, please email [email protected].
Philosophical Aesthetics
- Agawu, Kofi (2006). “Aesthetic Inquiry and the Music of Africa.” In A Companion to African Philosophy. Ed. Kwasi Wiredu. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 415–424. [This article uses African aesthetic practices to explore a theory of aesthetics against ones developed in analytic and continental traditions.]
- Alexander, Thomas (2009). “The Music in the Heart, the Way of Water, and the Light of a Thousand Suns: A Response to Richard Shusterman, Crispin Sartwell, and Scott Stroud.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 43(1): 41-58.
- Armstrong, Meg (1996). “The Effects of Blackness: Gender, Race and the Sublime in Aesthetic Theories of Burke and Kant.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54(3): 213–236. [This article discusses how Kant and Burke both saw race affecting capacities for experiences of the sublime.]
- Bhushan, Nalini (2009). "Toward a Development of a Cosmopolitan Aesthetic." Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [The interaction between race and aesthetics in India (1847-1947).]
- Bloodsworth-Lugo, Mary and Flory, Dan (2013). Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge.
- Carroll, Noël (2003). "Ethnicity, Race, and Monstrosity", in his Engaging the Moving Image. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Davis, Angela (1998). Blues Legacies and Black Feminism. New York: Vintage. [A history of Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holliday, and their role in American cultural history.]
- Flory, Dan (2008). Philosophy, Black Film, Film Noir. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. [This book discusses the use of noir film in Black cinema.]
- Gilroy, Paul (1993). The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Gooding-Williams, Robert (2006). Look, a Negro! New York: Routledge. [A collection of articles including one on aesthetics of Kant, Nietszche, and Cavell.]
- Goswami, Namita. “The Empire Swings Back: Aesthetics, Politics, and Postcolonial Whimsy.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race (2009b). [A philosophical analysis of the Bollywood song.]
- Hobson, Janell (2003). “The ‘Batty’ Politic: Toward an Aesthetic of the Black Female Body.” Hypatia 18.4: 87–105. [An article on the depiction of Black women’s bodies.]
- James, Robin (2010). The Conjectural Body: Gender, Race, and the Philosophy of Music. Lanham, MD: Lexington Publishing.
- James, Robin (2014). “Contort Yourself: Music, Whiteness, and the Politics of Disorientation.” In White Self-Criticality Beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to be a White Problem. Ed. George Yancy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Publishing. 211-228. [A chapter about the effects of whiteness on phenomenological experience, including aesthetic experience.]
- James, Robin (2009). “In but not of, of but not in: On Taste, Hipness and White Embodiment.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article on the relation between taste as a way of forming group identity and white identity.]
- James, Robin (2013). “Race and the Feminized Popular in Nietszche and Beyond.” Hypatia 28.4: 749-766. [An article on the changing relationship between white femininity and the abject popular.]
- Mag Uidhir, Christy (2012). "The Aesthetics of Actor-Character Race Matching in Film Fictions". Philosophers' Imprint 12(3): 1–17.
- Mag Uidhir, Christy (2013). "What's So Bad About Blackface?" in Race, Philosophy, and Film. Eds. Mary Bloodsworth-Lugo and Dan Flory. New York: Routledge.
- Man, Eva Kit Wah (2000). "Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China." In Beauty Matters. Edited by Peg Zeglin Brand. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 169-196. [A historical account of ideals of female beauty across Chinese history leading into an analysis of how these ideals interact with the intrusion of Western fashion culture.]
- Nzegwu, Nkiru (2006). “Art and Community: A Social Conception of Beauty and Individuality.” In A Companion to African Philosophy. Ed. Kwasi Wiredu. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 404–414. [Towards a theory of art that determines African art as “community focused.”]
- Ortega, Mariana (2009). “Othering the Other The Spectacle of Katrina for our Racial Entertainment Pleasure.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article on the role of photography in framing news narratives, which in turn function to identify events as affecting or otherwise being relevant to Black or white people.]
- Perina, Mickaelle (2009). “Encountering the Other: Aesthetics, Race, and Relationality.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article arguing that it is possible to understand non-Western aesthetics in Western terms.]
- Rancière, Jacques (2004). The Politics of Aesthetics. Trans. Gabriel Rockhill. New York: Continuum. [A work of continental philosophy which argues that all political systems are “grounded in the aesthetic.”]
- Roelofs, Monique (2009a). “Introduction.” Contemporary Aesthetics Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [A brief survey on the possible interrelations of race and aesthetics as an introduction to a journal issue.]
- Roelofs, Monique (2005). “Racialization as an Aesthetic Production.” In White on White/Black on Black. Ed. George Yancy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 83–124. [A philosophical framework for understanding the interaction between aesthetic and racial formations.]
- Roelofs, Monique (2009b). “Sensation as Civilization: Reading/Riding the Taxicab.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article on aesthetics as a technology that enforces racial boundaries.]
- Roelofs, Monique (2014). The Cultural Promise of the Aesthetic. London: Bloomsbury. [A philosophical framework for analyzing the notion of the aesthetic in light of its entanglements with intersecting forms of race, class, gender, coloniality, ethnicity, national background, and sexuality.]
- Sartwell, Crispin (2009a). “Dewey and Taoism: Teleology and Art.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 43.1: 30-40. [An article on art as a place where value is found in process as well as ends.]
- Sartwell, Crispin (2009b). “Red, Gold, Black, and Green: Black Nationalist Aesthetics.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article on using the influence of Black nationalism to show that political ideologies are “multi-media aesthetic environments.”]
- Shusterman, Richard (2009). “Pragmatist Aesthetic and Confucionism.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 43.1: 18-29. [An article on the convergence between Confucian and pragmatist philosophy.]
- Stroud, Scott R. (2009). “Orientational Meliorism, Pragmatist Aesthetics, and the Bhagavad Gita.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 43.1: 1-17. [An article arguing that two philosophical discourses come to a common point with respect to the possible values of aesthetic experience and regarding the broader world.]
- Sundstrom, Ronald (2009). “Mixed-Race Looks.” Contemporary Aesthetics Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article on the role racialized aesthetics play in the identity-formation of people who identify as multiracial or mixed-race.]
- Taylor, Paul C. (1997) “Malcolm Conk and Danto’s Colors; Or, Four Logical Petitions concerning Race, Beauty, and Aesthetics.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57.1: 16-20. [A preliminary work on antiracist aesthetics. It Looks at concepts of beauty as they emerged in early analytic philosophy in the context of contemporaneous racist ideas.]
- Taylor, Paul C. (2009) “The Last King of Scotland or the Last N----r on Earth? The Ethics of Race on Film.” Contemporary Aesthetics Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [An article about depictions of race within narratives of “moral gentrification.”]
- Winchester, James J. (2002). Aesthetics Across the Color Line: Why Nietzsche (Sometimes) Can't Sing the Blues. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. [Applying questions of understanding across cross-cultural divides in an attempt to apply European philosophy to African American artistic culture.]
Critical Race Theory
- Cade Bambara, Toni (1970). The Black Woman, an Anthology. New York: New American Library-Signet. [A collection of essays, poetry, and short fiction from Blacke female intellectuals.]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (1926). "Criteria of Negro Art." Du Bois: Writings. Ed. Nathan Huggins. New York: Library of America, 1986. 993-1002. ["All art is propaganda, and ever must be."]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (1903). "The Souls of Black Black Folk: Essays and Sketches (1903)." New York: Bantam Classic, 1989. [A seminal work of Black counter-modernity.]
- Du Bois, W. E. B. Writings. New York: Bantam Classic, 1989. [A collection of the works of W.E.B. Du Bois, as seminal works of Black counter-modernity.]
- Ellis, Trey (1989). "The New Black Aesthetic." Callaloo 38: 233-243 [An article on the development of Black aestehtics away from a "narrow nationalism" at the end of the 1980s.]
- Fine, Elsa Honig (1971). “Mainstream, Blackstream and the Black Art Movement.” Art Journal 30.4: 374–375. [On the need to create a distinctive Black aesthetic to create a culturally autonomous voice.]
- Gayle, Addison (1971a), ed. The Black Aesthetic. New York: Anchor-Doubleday. [A collection of critical essays.]
- Gayle, Addison (1971b). “Cultural Strangulation: Black Literature and the White Aesthetic.” In The Black Aesthetic. Ed. Addison Gayle. New York: Anchor-Doubleday. 38–45. [A foundational text of Black aesthetics, calling for the development of a new aesthetic determined by Black, not white, tastes.]
- Hall, Stuart (1990). "Cultural Identity and Diaspora." In Identity: Community, Culture, Difference. Edited by Jonathan Rutherford. London: Lawrence & Wishart: 222-237. [On representation and cultural identity within new Black British cinema, and how that may articulate both new identities and new aspects of identities.]
- Hall, Stuart (1992). "What is This "Black" in Black Popular Culture." In Black Popular Culture. Edited by Gina Dent. Seattle, WA: Bay Press. 21-36. [Understanding Black identity in light of how popular culture presents a simplified and unitary Black experience, and the political significance is of popular culture presenting such a unitary identity.]
- Locke, Alain (1925). The New Negro. New York: Touchstone-Simon and Schuster, 1997. [An Anthology of works on using art to create a Pan-African identity.]
- Lorde, Audre (1984). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press. [A collection of essays and poetry on various subjects.]
- Posnock, Ross (1998). Color and Culture: Black Writers in the Making of the Modern Intellectual. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [A historical investigation of Black American intellectuals which situates them in American cultural and literary tradition.]
Works from Other Philosophical Areas
- Alcoff, Linda (2006). Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self. Oxford: Oxford UP. [Critically investigates how race and gender affect ways people view the world. Particular emphasis on role of aesthetic experience.]
- Battersby, Christine (2007). The Sublime, Terror, and Human Difference. [An intellectual history detailing, among other things, mutual developments of aesthetics and theories of race.]
- Lott, Tommy (2003). “A No-Theory Theory of Contemporary Black Cinema.” In Representing Blackness. Ed. Valerie Smith. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 83–96.
- Mercer, Kobena (2012). “Art History and the Dialogics of Diaspora.” Small Axe 16.2: 213-227. [A methodological article proposing Mikhail Bakhtin’s “dialogical principle” for cross-cultural art history.]
- Mercer, Kobena (1999). “Ethicity and Internationally: New British Art and Diaspora-Based Blackness.” Third Text 49: 51-62. [The effects of internationalism and multiculturalism in the 90s British art scene.]
- Mercer, Kobena (2002). “Romare Bearden: African-American Modernism at Mid-Century.” In Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies. Eds. Michael Ann Holly and Keith P.F. Moxley. Williamstown, MA: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute: 29-46. [This article uses the works of Romare Bearsden to present a model of hyphenation.]
- Mercer, Kobena (1994). Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies. London: Routledge. [A collection of essays, many employing art and aesthetics towards broader analyses of the change of Black people within America from roughly 1980 to 1994.]
- Sheth, Falguni (2009a). “The Hijab and the Sari: The Strange and the Sexy between Colonialism and Global Capitalism.” Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Issue 2: Aesthetics and Race. [A comparison of the perceived aesthetic meanings of the hijab and the sari.]
- Sheth, Falguni (2009b). Towards a Political Philosophy of Race. Albany: SUNY Press. [Proper aesthetic taste is crafted and enforced to identify “racial unruliness.”]
Works from Cognate Fields
- Bhabha, Homi (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
- Johnson, Barbara (1998). The Feminist Difference: Literature, Psychoanalysis, Race, and Gender. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Jones, Leroi (1963). Blues People. New York: Harper Collins. [Critical history of the role that Black music played in shaping white popular and civic culture.]
- Monson, Ingrid (2007). Freedom Sounds. Oxford: Oxford UP. [Political history of Black music in late 20th Century America.]
- Baker, Houston (1988). Afro-American Poetics: Revisions of Harlem and the Black Aesthetic. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. [A critical history of the Harlem Rennaissance]
- Powell, Richard (2002). Black Art: A Cultural History. London: Thames and Hudson.
- Smethurst, James (2005). The Black Arts Movement: Literary Nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
- Tate, Shirley Anne (2009). Black Beauty: Aesthetics, Stylization, Politics. Farnham: Ashgate.